Wynonna Judd - I Just Drove By

Исполнитель: Wynonna Judd
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни I Just Drove By

I always go the other way
But my car drove me down today
To a little house on the older side of town
Back when things were never hard
I used to play there in that yard
And I just drove by to see if things had changed

Cokes were just a nickel then
And across the street at the Five and Ten
A lot of things were cheap and square and strange
And the life we had might have been
But it was one we loved believing in
And I just drove by to see if things had changed

I wondered now
If love is still the way it was back then
I need to know
That life is still a place worth living in
There it is, just like it was
A house where there was always love
I just drove by to see if things had changed

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