White Zombie - Die, Zombie, Die

Исполнитель: White Zombie
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Die, Zombie, Die

What is it? What it is. What is it? Dazzling, yea starving town, starving
town, out of the cold, out of the cold |Die, Die, Die!| Moneyman rumble.
Dreamtime maker. Dressed to kill. Crybaby keeper. Nature of the madness.
Lies very still. Shadow bo xing motions a real believer. Areal believer.
Look here, get it and go, look here. Seduction in a new new world,
seduction. Into the fire |Die, Die, Die!| Cannibal collision american girl.
Suck in your gut. Unlike before yea, unlike before, if you m urder. Object

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