Текст песни Toto - Gift With A Golden Gun

Исполнитель: Toto
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Gift With A Golden Gun

It′s a twelve o′clock depression, my mind is in recession
And I can′t answer you
It′s the day I can′t remember, I think it′s late September
Or is it April blue

I can′t find peace of mind in a world so unkind
It′s just a little heartbreaker, just a little heartbreaker, yeah

It′s a sticky situation when I′m near hallucination, and I refuse to bow
They used to think me funny when I promised them their money
But they′re not laughing now

I can′t find peace of mind, then she calls me just in time
She′s a gift with a golden gun, and she′s got them on the run
She′s a gift with a golden gun, ′cause she knows what they′ve done

(Instrumental break)


Just what they′ve done, done, done, done, done

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Топ 10 песен Toto

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