Текст песни Total - I Don′t Wanna Smile

Исполнитель: Total
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни I Don′t Wanna Smile

erse One:
If you′re ever to leave me,
How could I breathe,
How could I ever go on?
If you′re not here beside me,
Then what good would my life be?
This life won′t mean a thing
If you′re not around,
And don′t you know that,
If I lose you there′ll be no joy to be found,
This world won′t show a thing to me.

I don′t wanna smile,
If you′re not smiling with me.
I don′t wanna laugh,
If you′re not there
To share the laughter with me.
I don′t wanna live,
Without you,
What kind of life would that be?
Oh baby, oh baby I don′t wanna smile,
If you′re not smiling with me.

Verse Two:
If there′s ever a moment,
When you′re not there,
Sharing these moments with me,
It would be such a sad song,
It would all just be all wrong.
The stars won′t shine as bright
If you walk away,

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