Текст песни Suffocation - Bloodchurn

Исполнитель: Suffocation
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Bloodchurn

(Lyrics - Mullen)(Music - Hobbs/Cerrito/Culross)
Impatiently waiting
To seize the moment
Blood churns
Rotten stench
Enhanced by your senses
Stone cold

Perceived by those who choose what′s right
Misled through life
Empty lies and broken promises - Constitute reactions
Out cast
Thrown away by others
Misrepresented soul

Broken limbs
Cracked by your hand
One fourth
Of what you should be
Miscontrued reality

Perceived by those who choose what′s right
Misled through life
Empty lies and broken promises - Constitute reactions
Out cast
Thrown away by others

Просмотров: 38


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