Текст песни Sinergy - Beware The Heavens

Исполнитель: Sinergy
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Beware The Heavens

(Music: Laiho, Lyrics: Goss)
All is calm on the western front
civilian dreams fill the
mornig breeze
listen closely, hear the prophecy
pretenders preaching,
it′s time to flee!

Hypnotic sermon striking
naive minds
a congreation awaits command
the mask unveiled now
they realiza
armageddon has seized
the land!

October twillight setting in
Reborn into a new reality

Deciever of beliefs
believer of deceits
Beware the heavens

SOLO: Laiho

Nothing remains of the
western front
civillian dreams vanished
over night
the mask unveiled now
they realize
armaggeddon has seized
the land!

SOLO: Laiho

Просмотров: 38


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