Текст песни Serpent - Lost Dreams

Исполнитель: Serpent
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Lost Dreams

Heads face the ground nervous hand that slay dead snakes float until setting
of a day a butterfly in burning hell oh will she live and will she tell the
king is dead long live the unseen clowns and fools raped the griefing queen
inhale exhale the beast′s breath a killer died dreaming of death a landscape
of assassins mind the dying flowers made hime blind junkies in the desert of
weakening will death love drugs dreams it will kill the king is dead long
griefing queen excited heartbeat in the madman′s chest kill them all kill them
all let god do the rest infamous whore her sour taste sex dripping slow
deceased obsessed children in the nightfall of fire I hear them beg and cry

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