Текст песни Sandra - Two lovers tonight

Исполнитель: Sandra
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Two lovers tonight

You stop my daydream, you choke my heart,
Why does the moment find us apart?

And the heads are turning on my way
While I′m walking there alone,
I got something that I can′t delay, is it you?

Two lovers tonight are right, they catch my fall,
I′m going to light that night with you,
I′m gonna be right tonight, I catch your fall,
Two lovers tonight

You will be giving, you got a start,
Why can′t the music light up your heart?

Does the music drift you far away
While the hours come and go?
And who′s starting now to find a way, is it you?

Two lovers tonight are right, they catch my fall,
I′m going to light that night with you,
I′m gonna be right tonight, I catch your fall,
Two lovers tonight
Two lovers tonight

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