Текст песни Roy Orbison - A True Love Goodbye

Исполнитель: Roy Orbison
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни A True Love Goodbye

Roy Orbison/Norman Petty

A young couple stood under stars in the sky
They pledged their love with tears in their eyes
For this was a true love goodbye

They stood there trembling and couldn′t speak
She tip toed and kissed his cheek
For this was a true love goodbye

A true love goodbye, they tried not to cry
With words so true, they both said ";I love you";

Then they parted both broken hearted
But they′ll meet again some day some way
Beyond this true love goodbye

A true love goodbye, they tried not to cry
With words so true, they both said ";I love you";

Then they parted both broken hearted
But they′ll meet again some day some way
Beyond this true love goodbye

Просмотров: 59


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