Robbie Williams - Your Gay Friend

Исполнитель: Robbie Williams
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Your Gay Friend

Another friend to have a go on
And she asks me do I miss her when she′s gone
And I reply
As much as I miss anyone

And I′ll be your gay friend
Cos your marriage never ends
So we can fuck and fight again
There′s a space between us
So jump into my bed
We′ll pretend the world is dead
But always in my head
There′s a space between us

Hey Lord forgive us if we′re wrong
I′ll make sure that he never hears this song
And she says that Im the
Opposite of a hallmark card
And she asks me how I′m feeling
I dont wanna make think hard

And I′ll be your gay friend
Cos your marriage never ends
So we can fuck and fight again
There′s a space between us
Jump into my bed
And pretend the world is dead
And always in my head
There′s a space between us

It′s the late show now
How does the late show end
Well God is in the details
I doubt that you′re my friend
I have a friend again
You are my friend again
My gay friend

So jump into my bed
We′ll pretend the world is dead
Always in my head
There′s a space between us

And I′ll be your gay friend
Cos your marriage never ends
So we can fuck and fight again
There′s a space between us


Просмотров: 49


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