Robbie Williams - Stalker′s Day Off

Исполнитель: Robbie Williams
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Stalker′s Day Off

′ve been hanging around just in case you fall in love with me
I know you have doubts I hear when you shout
Cos I understand you see

I was concerned when you′re sad
You′d rather wake up dead to spend a day with me
I know that′s not you I know and it′s true
They don′t understand you like I do

I′ve been hanging around just in case you fall in love with me
I know you have doubts I hear when you shout
Cos I understand you see

Hi! It′s me again
Yeah I got out on parole, Wahey!
Yeah erm erm you can just er pick up the phone
′d like to talk to you please

I′ve seen misery and have a strange empathy
With a woman who kidnaps her lover
This love ain′t a dream I know it′s obscene
The calls that I left for your mother

I′ve been hanging around just in case you fall in love with me
I know you have doubts I hear when you shout
Cos I understand you see

Просмотров: 45


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