Текст песни Nikka Costa - Like A Feather

Исполнитель: Nikka Costa
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Like A Feather

I′m coming out of my wishing well
Where only echoes lonely hear my prayers
I′m coming around to bending cause my resistance been far too persistent
I′ve come too far to force it so I′ll watch it slide and land
I could come on strong and willful but
I′d rather watch it fall to the palm of my hand

And when I set it free like a feather it will be
And when I rise to see it done like whatever it will be it will be

I′m taking a breather baby
From sitting on pins waiting for my sky to fall
I′m taking up giving in
So here′s the wheel, I′m putting my feet up
Take another look at me baby
Today I′m taking on catastrophe
I′d rather take it easy
Than try to force what′s on its way to me

And when I set it free like a feather it will be

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