Текст песни Neolithic - Unupdate Museum

Исполнитель: Neolithic
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Unupdate Museum

In Memory of Bruno Shultz

The green eyes showed the tiredness

Although without name
Looking for a new form

Through the cloudy night
There was the brilliance
Mute expouding the wordless
As personal fragment of life

Wonderful and handsome
Prosperity although meaning ruin

Who knows how many old and
intelligent martyrdom is in the martyr
And how many cruel idea

Horrible transplant
Hate between strange races and
Species although all prisoners
In unluky life without solution

Ho can uncover in people the
Old faces, lough and glances?

Questions without answer
Illusion without reason

Просмотров: 31


Топ 10 песен Neolithic

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