Текст песни Moonspell - For A Taste Of Eternity

Исполнитель: Moonspell
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни For A Taste Of Eternity

Your honey on coil burns,
As tears drop from your grand dead womb

Undesired, I fell into your being
Releasing shapes inside of you
Only seen in your wildest dreams

I am the impossibility of your long-kept chastily
I am your offence and you can′t wait
To have me inside of you and taste...


Revolving around me, in desire, you burn
As blood drops from your new-awakened womb

Undesired, and thrown away from your belief
I am the one whom you were taught to renounce
In your virginal fear

The sweat, the hands, the sleepless nights
And the violence of the silent sighs
All of them gather in me

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