Текст песни Mental Home - Stranger Dove

Исполнитель: Mental Home
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Stranger Dove

My remembrance comes,
And I′m watching stars by empty eyes.
Like a priest with fate in hands,
Think of something what he′s lost.
Maze of boring dreams
Tearing silence of the nightmares.
I will hide you in my heart,
But something bleeds I cannot carry on.
Looking deep into this smoke,
Yesterday I′ve burnt the Angel′s wings.
I breathe my memories,
Can no longer keep my pain inside.
Raise the ancient golden cage,
Take in hand the bird, and let out in the sky.
Lonely in starlight,
Stranger dove begins his last flight.

Please, please forget what I′ve missed,

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