Machine Head - Ten Ton Hammer

Исполнитель: Machine Head
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Ten Ton Hammer

I am the thing that makes you SICK
I am the blame that gets placed QUICK
Detect the crack within your lie
I′ll be the wrath of your disdain
I′ll be the fear in you ingrained
Become the fact that you deny


I can feel this pain is real
I hate deep down inside
And like broken glass you′ll shatter
With bloody fists I′ll batter
Like a ten ton hammer

I′ll be the trembling in your breath
Tickle of blood upon your flesh
You′d love to watch me take the fall
I′ll be the thing that you despise
′Cause I′m the path to your demise
And I′m a be there standing tall


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