Текст песни Jacques Greene - No excuse

Исполнитель: Jacques Greene
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни No excuse

You′re my love
You′re my love

There′s really no excuse
Baby, you′re my love
No more playing games
I′m deleting other games
I figured what to use

You′re my love
There′s really no excuse
You′re my love
There′s really no excuse
You′re my love
There′s really no excuse

Baby, that gravity
There′s really no excuse

There′s really no excuse

No more playing games
I′m deleting other games
I figured what to use

There′s really no excuse
There′s really no excuse
There′s really no excuse
There′s really no excuse

Просмотров: 37


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