Текст песни Friendly Fires - Paris

Исполнитель: Friendly Fires
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Paris

One day we′re gonna live in Paris
I promise
I′m on it
When I′m bringing in the money
I promise
I′m on it
I′m gonna take you out to club showcase
We′re gonna live it up
I promise
Just hold on a little more

And every night we′ll watch the stars
They′ll be out for us
They′ll be out for us
And every night, the city lights
They′ll be out for us
They′ll be out for us

One day we′re gonna live in Paris
I promise
I′m on it
I′ll find you that french boy,
You′ll find me that french girl
I promise
I′m on it

So go and pack your bags
For the long haul
We′re gonna lose ourselves
I promise
This time it′s you and me forever more

And every night we′ll watch the stars
They′ll be out for us
They′ll be out for us
And every night, the city lights
They′ll be out for us
They′ll be out for us

And every night we′ll watch the stars
They′ll be out for us
They′ll be out for us
And every night, the city lights
They′ll be out for us
They′ll be out for us

Просмотров: 40


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