Eminem - Diss Me

Исполнитель: Eminem
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Diss Me

i wanna fuckin apologize
what the fuck for
well all the lies
i sit and wonder why we have balls as eyes
why men couldn′t just have penises wallet size
if i loved you i cud′ve called your house
but i wasn′t sure
if me or you
was insecure
that you could cure
all my pain
or if it was just the goddamn rain
it just right ain′t
i cudn′t find the idea main
in you while shit i went down fuckin memory lane
some days i wanted to be a comedian
there i find myself starin down at my feet again
i never wanted us to really meet again
but you had to go and work at that heat campaign
some days i wanna run
get away from all this sun
go someplace where i can have some fun
i noticed i′m having none
so rescue me
i beg you please
i wanna touch slim shady and have my moment of eztreme stun
while i go home and act real crazy
poisonin minds of real young ladies
die until i′m an asshole at 80
and last but not least, i love you too mathers, hailie
still wanna diss me
you mo′fuckin asshole u pissin here
ima stop talkin bout breasts
just now and then though cuz i still need to find the rest

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