Down - Lifter

Исполнитель: Down
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Lifter

free at last, I′m the past,
undone in unknown prison,
I′m holding on. Peace and need?
A mouth to feed?
I′m standing way on

the other side. I′m staring
right back at myself,
and through it′s frozen image,
I′m laughing right back
at my health - Lifelong
Arms in knots, never spot,
My blood is fading

on the world. Stealing keys?
Soul to me?
and to the BrotheRhood with what
writes the pain.
I′m staring
right back at myself,
and through it′s frozen image,
I′m laughing right back
at my health - Lifelong

I′m a lifer.

Просмотров: 56


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