Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Gone

Исполнитель: Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Gone

This is the end - life will pass away - tomorrow I will die
Eternity betrayed me again - it is a bitter lie.

I wanna dance with the sun - reborn as a flame
This is the final chance - for glory and victory
I feel the honey in my veins - so bitter and so sweet
I wanna see the eagles fly - before I depart to die.

Mother earth - thanks for your love and the pain.
I don′t turn around because I will sometime return again.

I danced with the sun - was reborn as a flame
It was my final chance - got glory and victory
I felt the honey in my veins - so bitter and so sweet

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