Текст песни Demoniac - The Eagle Spreads Its Wings

Исполнитель: Demoniac
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни The Eagle Spreads Its Wings

(Lyrics: Behemoth, Music: Heimdall)
Fighting in this rotten
hell we are trapped in a
And in the battles lands
where no one can tell
The breathing beasts of
fire calling to me
Chains of steel how can
we be freed

They need a leader and
the strongest of men
To save the dreams of
the forgotten land
They live with torture
of the fire and whips
And the shadows of death
that bleeds to be free

There is a soldier
To free us from this
With winter calling
We will survive

We fly
The eagle spreads its
wings of life and


We fly
The eagle spreads its
wings of life and

See the dragons
breathing see them
flying in the sky
Killing all the mortals

Просмотров: 28


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