Deepside Deejays - No man in the mirror

Исполнитель: Deepside Deejays
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни No man in the mirror

(feat Dj Project, Vali B. & Daimon, Amsterdam Avenue, Erico V)

Your curtain`s down
The eyes still cry
Cause You are gone
But still alive
To me
Where you′ll forever live
The show is done
The tears won′t dry
Cause you are gone
Before your time
For me
But rest and see
Things are always changing in our lives
Even if they go black or white you′ll see
The world changed cause you lived
Everything has changed because you tried
You left a better place for us behind you′ll see
The world changed cause you lived
I′m finding in you
A world that is pure
With no pain cause of you
Still you′re gone to soon
No mirror now
The man has gone
But left the pain
So you remind
There is
Much work that world needs
Don′t worry now
Watch from above
Your words are out
The message lives
So rest and see
Things are always changing in our lives
Even if they go black or white you′ll see
The world changed cause you lived
Everything has changed because you tried
You left a better place for us behind you′ll see
The world changed cause you lived
I′m finding in you
A world that is pure
With no pain cause of you
Stll you′re gone to soon

Просмотров: 46


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