Текст песни Death - A Moment Of Clarity

Исполнитель: Death
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни A Moment Of Clarity

I would describe it as an invisible darkness
casting a shadow, a blinding black
guarded by hope, my soul is kept from
the bloody claws.

Look beyond, what vision lets me see
time after time, unneeded misery
holding tight to my dreams
I own no price for you
I grip them tight and hope for sight.

Open my eyes wide to see a moment of clarity
confusion gone, it′s in your hands
your turn to ask why.

(Solo Hamm / Schuldiner)

Life is like a mystery
with many clues, but with few anwers
to tell us what it is that we can do to look
for messages that keep us from the truth

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