Текст песни Dazzle Dreams - Dazzle Dreams

Исполнитель: Dazzle Dreams
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Dazzle Dreams

When the sun goes down
I will burst into my dreams
Dazzle Dreams between the stars...
These is a dream about
Your eyes and your pretty smile
When the sun goes down - I will...

And I hope...
Ill go on...

And I hold ones breath
I hope you back again
In my sleepless night, I khow...
Oh, my burning sky!
I will burst into your eyes
And you burst into your tears

And I hope...
Ill go on...

Oh, baby!
Follow me.
And Ill show you
Mystery of night - baby
Oh, honey!
Come with me,
And Ill tell you
History of night - baby...

When the sun goes down
When the sun goes down
When the sun goes down
When the sun goes down

And I hope...
Ill go on...


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