Comecon - The Future Belongs To Us

Исполнитель: Comecon
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни The Future Belongs To Us

frivolous leaking
of nuclear power plants
explodes the market
of mongoloid chants

who′s next for charity
keep in line
crumbs are tasty
when intensions are fine

hands up who′ll be our saviour

the future belongs to us
this is the future and it belongs to us
paradise of poverty, wonderland of war
the glory of gluttony is what we live for
moralizing innocence of uncorrupted youth
the illusion of discerning lies from truth

a conscious generation
with tears to wheep
for starving millions
and pity is cheap

who′ll set the prices
when we sell our souls
who′ll be the idol
to define our goals

who wants to be our saviour

the future belongs to us
this is the future and it belongs to us
paradise of poverty, wonderland of war
the glory of gluttony is what we live for

Просмотров: 28


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