Текст песни Coma - Flames

Исполнитель: Coma
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Flames

A candle in the darkness of the night
She picks it up and holds it tight
Her face, beautiful as the sky
I can see it in the flames
I wonder how she looks in daylight

She asks me if I love her
I want to speak but there′s no answer
The wind, it makes the fire fade away
Her schade, leaving me as well
The question remains forever

I have no strength left to carry on without you
I have no strength left to live my life without you

All I know is that I need you beside me
Beside me as I stand trial
Trial for the pain I caused for so long

Your image won′t get out of my head
Your smell won′t get out of my bed
My life will never be the same again
My life will be your life too

I have no strength left to carry on without you
I have no strength left to live my life without you

All I know is that I need you beside me
Beside me as I stand trial

Просмотров: 33


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