Celtic Frost - Circle Of The Tyrants

Исполнитель: Celtic Frost
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Circle Of The Tyrants

After the battle is over
And the sands drunken the blood
All what there remains
Is the bitterness of delusion

The immortality of the gods
Sits at their side
As they leave the walls behind
To reach the jewels gleam

The days have come
When the steel will rule
And upon his head
A crown of gold

Your hand wields the might
The tyrant′s the precursor
You carry the will
As the morning is near

I sing the ballads
Of victory and defeat
I hear the tales
Of frozen mystery

The new kingdoms rise / By the circle of the tyrants
In the land of darkness / The warrior, that was me
Grotesque glory / None will (ever) see them fall

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