Black Sabbath - Walk Away

Исполнитель: Black Sabbath
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Walk Away

Lord she′s handsome as she flows across the floor
Nothing I′ve seen in my life has ever pleased me more
She′s got the look of freedom, and it makes you think she′s wild
But I can see right through it all, it′s the way to have a child
Oh, walk away
She′s looking to love you
There′s nothing to say
Just turn your head and walk away
Walk away, walk on
She moves in sunlight, never seen the night at all
Like a star in the midnight sky, burns before it falls
I′ve never been lonely, and I can′t imagine why
Maybe she could be the one to tell me, I guess it′s do or die
Can′t see her fire
But I can feel her heat, all right!
It′s rising higher
I′m walking the wire

Просмотров: 53


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