Black Sabbath - Virtual Death

Исполнитель: Black Sabbath
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Virtual Death

Reach out and take for me, fruit of the poison tree.
Give me your body and your soul.
My youth is fading fast, years melt into the past.
This mortal life will take it′s toll.

I′m sick and tired of losing, you find this so amusing.
It′s all I have to keep myself in this state I′m in.

This spark of nature′s fire, my only one desire.
This world is hanging by a thread.

I′m sick and tired of losing, you find this so amusing.
It′s all I have to keep myself in this state I′m in.

People always tried to change me, alter everything I am.
So many faces staring in on me, you left me in this state I′m in.
Virtual death (death death death death death death).

You may think this existance, is just a human weakness.
Inside my mind it′s near the end.

Virtual death (death death death).

I′m losing. I′m fading fast. I′m dying (dying).
Virtual death.

Просмотров: 65


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