Black Sabbath - Trashed

Исполнитель: Black Sabbath
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Trashed

Ahhh, Ah
It really was a meeting
The bottle took a beating
The ladies of the manor
Watched me climb into my car
And I was going down the track about a hundred and five
They had the stopwatch rolling
Had the headlights blazing I was really alive
And yet my mind was blowing
I drank a bottle of tequila and I felt real good
I had the tape deck roaring
But on the twenty-fifth lap at the canal turn I went off exploring

I knew I wouldn′t make it the car just couldn′t take it
I was turning, tires burning
The ground was in my sky
I was laughing. The bitch was trashed
And death was in my eye

Started pretty good and I was feeling my way
Had the wheels in motion
There was Peter and the Greenfly laughing like drains
Crowd was roaring I was at Brands Hatch in my imagination
At the canal turn I hit an oily patch

Knew I wouldn′t make it the car just couldn′t take it
I was turning, tires burning
The ground was in my sky
I was laughing. The bitch was trashed
And death was in my eye

Ooh Mr. Miracle you saved me from some pain
I thank you Mr. Miracle I won′t get trashed again
Ooh can ya hear my lies?
Don′t you bother with this fool just laugh into my eye
I was turning, tires burning
The ground was in my sky
I was laughing. The bitch was trashed

Просмотров: 57


Топ 10 песен Black Sabbath

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