Black Sabbath - The Law Maker

Исполнитель: Black Sabbath
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни The Law Maker

The horizon breaks where a figure stands
Close your eyes and pray it′s a vision of God′s command
He′s evil and mysterious. People fear his name.
He′s not here for deliverance.
No, no, no, he′s the Lawmaker.
He′s the Lawmaker.

He never speaks, though his task we′re told
To seek out souls of the sinners, he′ll trade for gold.
He′s evil and mysterious. People fear his name.
He′s not here for deliverance.
No, no, no, he′s the Lawmaker.
He′s the Lawmaker.
Silver mountains won′t save you from hell.
The prince of darkness inside you will dwell.
Oh, you′re weakness your past.
The Lawmaker comes.

He′s evil and mysterious. People fear his name.

Просмотров: 62


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