Black Sabbath - Swinging The Chain

Исполнитель: Black Sabbath
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Swinging The Chain

It′s against my uniform
To be a civil judge
All the songs are history now
`Bout rock stars and their grudge
Let us cast our minds back
To thirty years or more
You took up all the vandals
Will Hitler beat `em all?

And we′re sad and sorry
Really sorry that it happened that way
Yes we′re sad and sorry
But why′d you have to treat us that way?

Compare ourselves with others
And cover them in sin
Oh, God what a terrible
A terrible state we′re in
There must be some way out of here
A comprimise that′s right
If we cannot work it out
We′re gonna have to fight

Yes we′re sad and sorry
Really sorry that it happened that way
Yes we′re sad and sorry
We cannot go on in those days

I′m talking about my brothers

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