Black Sabbath - Lady Evil

Исполнитель: Black Sabbath
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Lady Evil

There′s a place just south of Witches′ Valley
Where they say the wind won′t blow
And they only speak in whispers of her name
There′s a lady they say who feeds the darkness
It eats right from her hand
With a crying shout she′ll search you out
And freeze you where you stand
Lady Evil, evil
She′s a magical, mystical woman
Lady Evil, evil in my mind
She′s queen of the night
All right!
In a place just south of Witches′ Valley
Where they say the rain won′t fall
Thunder cracks the sky, it makes you bleed, yeah
There′s a lady they say who needs the darkness
She can′t face the light
With an awful shout, she′ll find you out
And have you for the night
Lady Evil, evil
She′s a magical, mystical woman
Lady Evil, evil on my mind
She′s queen of the night

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Топ 10 песен Black Sabbath

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