Black Sabbath - Hole In The Sky

Исполнитель: Black Sabbath
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Hole In The Sky

I′m looking through a hole in the sky
I′m seeing nowhere through the eyes of a lie
I′m getting closer to the end of the line
I′m living easy where the sun doesn′t shine
I′m living in a room without any view
I′m living free because the rent′s never due
The synonyms of all the things that I′ve said
Are just the riddles that are built in my head
Hole in the sky, take me to heaven
Window in time, through it I fly
I′ve seen the stars disappear in the sun
The shooting′s easy if you′ve got the right gun
And even though I′m sitting waiting for Mars

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