Black Sabbath - Behind The Wall Of Sleep/Wasp

Исполнитель: Black Sabbath
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Behind The Wall Of Sleep/Wasp

(The intro to this song has a seperate title, it′s called Wasp)
Precious cups within the flower
Deadly petals with strange power
Faces shine a deadly smile
Back up on you at your trial

Chill and numbs from head to toe
Icy sun with frosty glow
Why′d you go reaching your sorrow?
Why′d you go read no tomorrow

Feel your spirit rise with the priest
Feel your body falling to its knees
Take your walk of remorse
Take your body to a corpse
Take your body to a corpse
Take your body to a corpse
If you want all remorse
Take your body to a corpse

Просмотров: 62


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