Текст песни Black Dawn - Wait

Исполнитель: Black Dawn
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Wait

I wait to see a golden sun it leaves and then it colors me.
Embrace all these thoughts descend down to me you float so free.

Wait for me now.
Don′t you take another piece of me you found.
Wait for me now.
Don′t you take another piece of me you found

I see you now as you move before my hands that greet your face.
Close distraught eyes have no time to breathe your beauty steals me


So you sit here and you think of all these things that could′ve been.
With your hands above the shadows and your head upon the sand.
Shrouding all the ground around me as we watch the sun it rises.
And the wind it whispers sweetly blowing your voice through the trees.
I′m laughing aloud so silently i′m closing my eyes as you fade into me (to me).
So you think you can take another piece of me.
And leave me dying here well close your eyes and some day you′ll see.
Wait, wait cause someday you′ll see that maybe i′ll come back so.

Просмотров: 25


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