AWOLNATION - Everybody′s got a secret

Исполнитель: AWOLNATION
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Everybody′s got a secret

I’ll never tell, no one can see
I pay no mind, to what they think
I count the days, you’ve been asleep
I pay no mind, to what they think

If I don’t tell a soul then, who else shouldn’t mind?
And may be gone, my love, to the grave
But I got a secret (got a secret)
Everybody’s got a secret
Something good should come from all the rain

Uuu, got caught in thought
Went to their heads, went to their feet
At second glance
I’m fixing a friend with friendly speech
I pay no mind, to what they think

If I don’t tell a soul then, who else shouldn’t mind?
And may be gone, my love, to the grave
But I got a secret (got a secret)
Everybody’s got a secret
Something good should come from all the rain

Somebody believe in me [4x]

If I don’t tell a soul then, who else shouldn’t mind?
And may be gone, my love, to the grave
But I got a secret (got a secret)
Everybody’s got a secret
Something good should come from all the rain

Просмотров: 45


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