Asgaroth - Descent To Dion

Исполнитель: Asgaroth
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Descent To Dion

It′s a new waypoint for us all from now
when things are not all though what they seem.
It′s a time to burn in our ashes...
...or was it you who began to doubt

Now we′re forgetting what it was all about,
as we took our chances in this free world above.
In a godless theurgy in a dismissed ordain,
followed by them all.

Descent to Dion
Let us meet for what we failed
Drink with my cup and spil on your fate.

Descent to Dion
I never knew what was to be done.
Did I ever need to be shown the paths?
it′s this world coming apart,
as we drink in joy in our cult to Dion.

Drink in this, our theurgy.

Просмотров: 50


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