Afflicted - Consumed in flames

Исполнитель: Afflicted
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Consumed in flames

I lay in darkness
I anguish I dwell
my soul is in torment
I′m living in hell

My mind is afflicted
with agonizing pain
scourging my soul
can I be sane?

Must do I so?
Must I do what they say
their orders their commandments
I have to obey

The future for me
the future I see
is clouded
by obscurity

"The kitchen, the kitchen"
system haunts me
I must burn
and then I′ll be free

But how can I burn
without severe imjuries
to be consumed in flames
is that my destiny?

Now I am coming
there is no return
not in the gas flame

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