Big End Bolt - Биография

Теги и жанры: brutal death metal, technical brutal death metal, technical death metal, death metal, russian, russia

BIG END BOLT band was formed in late 2007 by Igor. The first line-up was Igor (guitar, vocals) and Vladimir (drums). Initially they want to play brutal death metal with groove influence. Right away they began rehearsals, music writing and musicians search. After a considerable amount of time searching Alexander (guitar) was founded. Later Dmitry (bass) and Andrey (guitar) joined and Igor became a free vocalist. In summer of 2008 band’s line-up was: Igor - vocals, Andrey - guitar, Alexander - guitar, Dmitry - bass, Vladimir - drums. The band began to work more intensively and in autumn of 2008 they recorded the first two-song demo with working name “Moral Decay” and started to play local gigs in Moscow and Moscow region. In the end of the 2009 Vladimir (drums) left the band due to family problems. The band continued to work without a drummer and on May of 2010 went to Kiev (Ukraine) Black Light Studio and with assistance of sound engineers Alexey "Shaddar" Romanchenko and Sergey "Warkhoros" Sholokhov recorded their first full-length album which is called “Mechanical Race Creation”.

BIG END BOLT’s music is brutal death metal with technical and groove influences. The songs lyric is mostly short horror stories about mechanisms, anthropogenic actions, machines, engines etc with part of the sick humor.

At the present time the band actively writes stuff for the next album.


Просмотров: 41

Топ 10 песен Big End Bolt

Дискография Big End Bolt

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Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 12

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Фото Big End Bolt №2
Фото Big End Bolt №3
Фото Big End Bolt №4
Фото Big End Bolt №5
Фото Big End Bolt №6

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