Indecision - Биография

Теги и жанры: hardcore, metalcore, american

Indecision была хардкор-группой, сформированной в Бэй Ридже, Бруклин, в 1993 году. Официально они были расформированны летом 2000 года. Хотя всё ещё изредка они дают какие-то шоу.

Indecision was a prolific hardcore band which was started in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn in 1993 and officially disbanded in the summer of 2000 though they still play shows occasionally for charity.
Indecision is known for their song "Hallowed be Thy Name". The song features the lyric "For those I love, I will sacrifice" that fans across the world have turned into a tattoo. Most famously, the image of the tattoo on the ribs of a 19-year-old US Army Infantryman named Kyle Hockenberry being treated in a medevac helicopter following an explosion that cost him both of his legs and one arm. The photo was taken for a military newspaper and went on to win photographer Laura Rauch an award from the Society of Professional Journalists.


Просмотров: 36

Топ 10 песен Indecision

Дискография Indecision

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Обложка альбома Без альбома

Год: 0
Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 14

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Фото Indecision №1
Фото Indecision №2
Фото Indecision №3
Фото Indecision №4
Фото Indecision №5
Фото Indecision №6

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