Black Water Rising - Биография

Теги и жанры: hard rock, southern rock, stoner rock, rock, post-grunge, stoner

BLACK WATER RISING is a collection of soul baring, angst ridden, riff heavy material that is proudly anchored in the foundations of traditional Hard Rock song writing. Giant guitar driven monster riffs served up on a bed of crushing grooves with soaring melodic vocals and big hooks. Basically, NO FRILLS RIFF ROCK! Lyrically the message is socially and politically driven by the dark times we live in. With darkness seemingly growing by the day, BLACK WATER RISING is a name that fits this band like a glove. The philosophy of BWR is simple, they are not looking to reinvent the wheel, they just want to give it a much needed alignment in these musically stale times. Enough bullshit! Crank up your speakers, sit back, spark a bat, and let the music tell the rest of the story…



Просмотров: 232

Дискография Black Water Rising

Pissed And Driven

Обложка альбома Pissed And Driven

Год: 2013
Композиций: 10
Просмотров: 9

Без альбома

Обложка альбома Без альбома

Год: 0
Композиций: 0
Просмотров: 6

Постеры и обои

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Фото Black Water Rising №1
Фото Black Water Rising №2
Фото Black Water Rising №3
Фото Black Water Rising №4
Фото Black Water Rising №5
Фото Black Water Rising №6

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