Elvis Presley - Known Only to Him

Исполнитель: Elvis Presley
Альбом: Peace in the Valley: The Complete Gospel Recordings CD1

Текст песни Known Only to Him

(Words & music by Stuart Hamblen)
Known only to him are the great hidden secrets
I′ll fear not the darkness when my flame shall dim
I know not what the future holds
But I know who holds the future
It′s a secret known only to Him

In this world of fear and doubt
On my knees I ask the question
Why a lonely, heavy cross I must bear
Then he tells me in my prayer
It′s because I am trustworthy
He gives me strength far more than my share

Known only to him are the great hidden secrets
I′ll fear not the darkness when my flame shall dim
I know not what the future holds
But I know who holds the future
It′s a secret known only to Him

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