XTC - Burning With Optimism′s Flames

Исполнитель: XTC
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Burning With Optimism′s Flames

ever seen her glowing
all that bright she′s throwing
like some aurora
from her head it′s growing
reaching to the ground and all around
like a Navajo blanket

Never heard her singing
now she′s gently ringing
like copper wind chimes
what on earth is bringing up this stream
the cat who got the cream is licking her lips
and smiling like her Cheshire cousin
She claims she′s found a way to make her own light
all you do is smile, you banish the night

She says she′s burning with optimism′s flames, away away
she says she′s burning up all her guilts and shames, away away
she says she′s burning with optimism′s flames, away away
she says she′s burning up

Now you see I′m smiling
back to juvenile′ing
I learnt her lesson
in like flint and styling
all the world is neatly curled around my littlest finger

I can′t stop this grinning
so assume I′m winning
threw pessimism
in the air it′s spinning

Просмотров: 62


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