Текст песни Michael Jackson - Everybody′s Somebody′s Fool

Исполнитель: Michael Jackson
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Everybody′s Somebody′s Fool

Everybody′s somebody′s fool
The world is the biggest school
As you live, you learn though a torch will burn
Everybody′s somebody′s fool

You go through life making fools of others
Prentending you′re giving them love
But remember sister or brother
You all have to answer to the one u above

It′s beautiful to watch love begin
But oh so sad when it ends
As you got through life remember this rule
Everybody′s somebody′s fool

It′s beautiful to watch love begin
But oh so sad when it ends
As you got through life remember this rule
Everybody′s somebody′s fool

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