Валерий Леонтьев - Black sea coust

Исполнитель: Валерий Леонтьев
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Black sea coust

Black sea coust - the sun is high in the sky. A usual way in the town.
black sea coust - and every morning we run, to have another some back.
black sea coust - sun raise are warm on my skin, I give myself to the sun.
black sea coust - forever stays in my heart. I say, "remember that fun".

wave after wave shyly touches my shoes.
there is a shine over town.
black sea coust - that way I feel I belong.

black sea coust - the sun is high in the sky. A usual way in the town.
black sea coust - and every morning we run, to have another some back.
black sea coust - so many wonderdful friends, so many parties at nights.
black sea coust - o, how can I am forget the lay of your tide.

wave after wave shyly touches my shoes.
there is a shine over town.
black sea coust - that way I feel I belong.

black sea coust - the sun is high in the sky. A usual way in the town.
black sea coust - and every morning we run, to have another some back.
black sea coust - and every body but me enjoys another some back.
black sea coust - and every body but me enjoys another some back.

Просмотров: 68


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