ZZ Top - Stages

Исполнитель: ZZ Top
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Stages

It′s a fine time to fall in love with you,
I ain′t got a single thing to do.
It happened before I knew what was going on.
I fell out and knew that I was gone.
Stages keep on changing,
stages rearranging love.

Then you left me standing all alone,
I couldn′t even get you on the phone.
Were you just confused and didn′t know
if you should stay or if you had to go?
Stages keep on changing,
stages rearranging love.

Now you′re back and say you′re gonna stay.
I wouldn′t have it any other way.
Tell me it′s for real and let me know
why does lovin′ have to come and go.
Stages keep on changing,
stages rearranging love.

Просмотров: 39


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