Zebrahead - Swing

Исполнитель: Zebrahead
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни Swing

Here I come
Force like a vector, radar detector,
abandon you cause I′m a defector
Loyalty reflective, crooked lie objective,
never trust you cause you are deceptive
Base burned sample, lyrics are ample,
don′t step to me cause you I will trample
Mainstream averted, tracker inserted,
found something pure, but it was perverted

If I ever got a chance, should I swing
Step to the side, swallow your pride,
ignorance breeds more laws to abide
Ideal in your mind, expectation defined,
picture distorted and you claim what is mine
Battle like war, chaos in store,
money and power always glorify gore
Needless tradition, chose my position,
sprang like a lion to meet opposition

Third verse and I′m gonna burst a new topic
Don′t come to front cause you know I′ll say stop it

Просмотров: 39


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