XTC - The Ugly Underneath

Исполнитель: XTC
Альбом: Без альбома

Текст песни The Ugly Underneath

First there′s the handshake
It′s so warm that you could bake by it
Designed to take attention from their
Ugly Underneath
Then there′s the wedding
The co-ordinated bedding
And the fairy tale shredding
Boy it′s Ugly Underneath
After the pretty
There′s a gluttony of pity
On a cake called nitty gritty
And it′s Ugly Underneath
Did you ever try to prise away the mask
Go ahead, take a spoon and try
I can tell you it′s a herculean task
Go ahead, it′s okay to cry
What you′re chewing on′s the truth
And that′s the hardest thing
To wash down with a glass of lemonade
The Ugly Underneath
The thing with politicians is
I wouldn′t have suspicions
If I saw their worst positions

Просмотров: 45


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